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Stockfish 2024 announces this year’s Shortfish
Rick W
/ Categories: Film Score News

Stockfish 2024 announces this year’s Shortfish winners!






Empath Fridges Rakel Jónsdóttir

What have we lost as a society? And how do we bring it back? How can we rebuild values as a community?  With an academic background and artistic approach the director has made  an inspiring and thought provoking film that touches upon the subject of humanity in urban society. Can we heal something that we have lost via sharing food on a daily basis with people we have never met?  Empath Fridges is a research based short documentary that with an open and artistic approach of the director Rakel Jónsdóttir, sheds light on the culture of empath fridges in Iceland. The film is a pleasure to watch and leaves the audience meditating on small solutions to enormous problems, such as the one of food waste.





Fár Gunnur Martinsdóttir Schlüter

The winner of the Shortfish Award this year shows both sensitivity and boldness in approach and raises relevant questions about contemporary culture and ethics, allowing the audience to interpret freely. Cinematography, sound design and overall art design, along with the multifaceted performance, all support the artistic vision at the core of the work, which becomes both ambiguous and clear at the same time. The director skilfully exploits the magic of form to the utmost and transcends its boundaries with rich content and nuance. Shortfish’s Best Narrative of '24 is Fár by Gunnur Martinsdóttir Schlüter.





Soulmates Alda Ægisdóttir

Soulmates drew us into a primitive yet strangely familiar world. We were enveloped in a wonderful spectacle of colours and organic elements, charmed by the beings that we encountered and in awe of the intimate interactions between the lifeforms. We were faced with our own feelings toward our soulmates, both an ancient and modern concept, and we felt the creator managed to achieve what we expect from experimental filmmakers.

Congratulations Soulmates.  





"Problems" Flesh Machine

This audiovisual piece is unique and engaging, marked by its playful nature and relatability. It stands out by reducing social tensions and offering a clear and engaging story set in a relatable yet enjoyable setting, filled with characters that are both realistic and intriguingly odd. This work leaves a gentle but lasting impact, memorable long after you've watched it. This imperfectly sincere video pulls out the positive emotion from beginning to the end.


The Stockfish Film & Industry Festival (SFIF) today announces the Eva Maria Daniels Award for Vital Filmmaking, a new award for creators in the shorts program designed to honor the legacy of acclaimed Icelandic filmmaker and producer Eva Maria Daniels, who passed away last June after battling Cancer.

With the support of Daniels’ partner Moritz Diller and son Henry, one standout Producer or Director in the SHORTFISH or SPRETTFISKUR competition will receive the inaugural award, commemorating Daniels’ achievements and continued contributions to Iceland’s next wave of filmmakers.

The winner of the Eva Maria Daniels Award 2024 is Fár by Gunnur Martinsdóttir Schlüter.

Congratulations to the winners and the best of luck to everyone who participated in Shortfish 2024!


